Focusrite Scarlett 212 USB audio mixer - this device has no controller


i try to implement the Focusrite Scarlett 212 USB audio mixer to my endless OS 4.0.13; Build ID: 221121-203603

Ive added following:
options snd_usb_audio vid=0x1235 pid=0x8210 device_setup=1
into a file named:

in the console i can select with “alsamixer” the audio mixer, but receive the info:
this device has no controller

any ideas?
Thx and have a happy new year!

Focusrite Scarlett 212

Is this one? Scarlett 2i2 4th Generation | Focusrite

I have Scarlett Solo 1st gen and it works out of the box

Yes, thats the one.
What do you mean out of the box? Without any implementation over the terminal?

Which software do you use for the audio Mixer?

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