Full list of apps

Can I get full list of apps available ?

Central de programas

In the apps list can also be added Telegram?

Something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:


  1. The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution

eos-diagnostic-180312_233213_UTC 0200.txt (380.7 KB)

Just uploaded the diagnostic file you ask, i dont have any trouble running the endless OS so far :wink:
In the mean time i managed to install the Telegram app from here:
flatpak install --from https://flathub.org/repo/appstream/org.telegram.desktop.flatpakref

For the moment works fine, i like Telegram more than Whatsapp.
BTW, great job with this OS, is the first time to work with this and i can say i„m impressed.
Thanks for rapid response and good day to you sir :wink: