Gak bisa install VLC

kok aku gak bisa install vlc ya… terus versi endless os nya 3.4.8,tolong dibantu!

@Nafi_Farchani You can download VLC at Endless Store

sama aku jg gabisa, ada tulisan error nya ga?

What version of Endless OS are you using?
To check which version of Endless OS you are in Settings :arrow_right: Details

3.5.2 (181212-104737)

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:

flatpak install flathub org.videolan.VLC && eos-add-to-desktop org.videolan.VLC

apakah saya sudah benar mengetiknya??

No. Copy and paste the command into the terminal

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