The Endless community is composed of people from all over the world, who all contribute to the Endless project based on their own strengths, talents and abilities. It is structured to support every contributor, whatever their level of contributions. As a community member contributes to the Endless project, they are given additional privileges and responsibilities within the community.
The overall structure of the community is based on three levels of commitment. At the start, everybody who contributes to Endless in any way is part of the Endless Community. As their contributions increase and they show a desire to lead, they can join the Orange League. Contributors who have worked closely with Endless and show a high level of activity and responsibility are eligible to become official Ambassadors of the project in their country.
The Orange League Â
If you’ve contributed a significant amount to the Endless Community, we invite you to apply to be part of the Orange League.
Who is eligible for membership in the Orange League?
Any significant contribution to Endless makes you eligible for membership. Contributions may be code, design, translations, maintenance of project-wide resources, or other activities which benefit the Endless Community.
Membership benefits
Orange League members receive numerous benefits including getting an email alias, blog hosting on Planet Endless (coming soon), and more.
Renewing your membership
Membership in the Orange League lasts for two years. You will be contacted to renew your membership before it expires. Renewal applications are not automatically accepted and applicants’ contributions over the past two years will be reviewed as part of the renewal.
Endless Ambassadors Â
Ambassadors are leaders and decision-makers in their regions for the Endless Community. Being an Endless Ambassador means taking on responsibilities within both Endless and your local community.
You will be a point of contact for local users who need help or who want to learn more about Endless. You will also be a point of contact for Endless so we can learn more about your community’s specific needs and ways we can improve Endless OS for them.
Who is eligible for Ambassadorship?
We will be slowly rolling out Ambassador programs around the world, so members can add themselves to a waitlist for when spots open up in their area. The number of Ambassadors will be based on the size and population of the area they will represent.
Any Orange League member is eligible to become an Ambassador.
Ambassador benefits
Ambassadors will come from the Orange League, and will the benefits of being in the Orange League. In addition, Endless will provide Local Ambassadors with resources useful to the promotion of Endless OS, both for their own activities and to support the activities of the Orange League in the area they represent.
As an Ambassador, you will be eligible for business cards identifying you as an Endless Ambassador and an exclusive Endless Ambassador t-shirt. You will also be able to speak regularly with Endless executives regarding our operations in your country.
Maintaining your Ambassadorship
Ambassadors will be working closely with the Endless Community Team, and are required to have regular check-ins about activity and resource needs. If you need to step down from your position as an Ambassador, you will be moved to an “emeritus” status that continues to recognize your contributions.