Recent builds seem to have improved battery life, which is much appreciated. I find myself using and liking Endless OS more and more.
An easy to use, probably GUI and builtin backup method would be greatly appreciated.
For people out an about in a nasty world the ability to encrypt the file system, or at least the home folder would also be a great addition.
I am guessing the lack of backup and encryption are probably complications stemming from building on OSTree. It is perhaps ironic that a system designed to protect itself from modification/hacking does not allow the same privilege for user data. (Sorry about the sarcasm.)
Hi, @wove. Yeah, I agree that it would be good to have the ability to encrypt the home folder. I don’t think there would be any benefit in encrypting the ostree-managed files, since the user would not be able to store data there. Of course, we would need a pretty scary warning to discourage novice users from doing this, as we would have no way to unlock their system if they forgot their encryption password. That is not on our near-term roadmap, but maybe if I get a chance I’ll see if there is a way to manually encrypt the home folder.
And, yes, it would be good to have an integrated backup solution. In the meantime, you can simply make a copy of your home folder to an external drive. No strong reason to back up anything outside the home directory, since most of the OS files are read-only anyhow, and ostree has the ability to rollback to the previous deployment if anything were to go really wrong after an ostree update.