Today 1.5.2019 I finally say goodbye to Endless OS. This is not the first OS I have worked with but right now I am totally frustrated! when you are working and it freezes suddenly.
What are your issues with EOS? If you can describe your issues, maybe we are able to solve them.
I have asked for solution several times but no one is able to solve this problem(well l assumed they tried to). I am deeply frustrated that if I am working, my PC hangs just about the time i want to complete my task. I sent my pc back to Acer, they only reset my OS back to factory settings hoping that everything will be fine. I dont think something is wrong if i can open multiple browers(15-20page) which i am used and Anaconda-Navigator to do my task.
other issues, i cannot update my repository
#i cannot try new things, which is ultimately why i choose to use Linux Operating System.
#i cannot work with Cisco Packet tracer,Team Viewer,Wireshark(all these are my daily requirements)
I honestly gave up because this is not my first operating system.
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