HDTV only shows the laptop's background when I connect the HDMI cable

Hello,I got an HDMI cable and when I connect it to the laptop on the HDTV it only shows the laptop’s background.
How can I fix this?
eos-diagnostic-201212_142208_UTC 0200.txt (543.1 KB)

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal
  2. In this application run the command:

sudo grub-editenv - create

  1. Restart the computer
  2. Settings :arrow_right: Details :arrow_right: Look for updates


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Thanks but when after I run the command in terminal it shows this also in terminal:
[sudo] password for (my name):
But I can’t write a password.
Is this where I’m supposed to exit terminal?

Hi, for security reasons Terminal won’t display anything as you write the password but please type it and then hit Enter.

If you connect multiple Displays to your computer, the default behavior ist to “extend” the Display. If you need to mirror your Main display, you need to configure it explicitly. Open Settings and navigate to Display. There you see:

Set up your desired Display configuration (like Primary Display and Mirroring) here and you’re done.

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