Endless OS using few years and all was working fine till now
Google Chrome won’t allow me to size up window when watching movies, not even YouTube. I tried to uninstall it and install it again. Won’t open pages from mail or Facebook.
Firefox won’t open any video because plugins arent working, Opera won’t install because it’s too dangerous for my PC.
I tried to install apps form app center and it will not install them at all, or when it does i cannot acces them.
Is there any possibility to check through terminal for viruses, I tried to install ClamAV but PC won’t let me install anything at all.
I tried to do update checks too, still the same, seem to be not reacting to anything
eos-diagnostic-201027_165611_UTC 0100.txt (601,7 KB)
You have an old Endless OS version… Please update by following these instructions:
Or by going to Terminal and entering the command:
sudo ostree admin upgrade
thank you, i did it
message on terminal:
3 delta parts 1 loose fetched
Copying / etc changes: 17 modified, 0 removed, 24 added
Transaction complete , boot config swap: no deployment count change: 0
should i restart?
also my computer is asking pasword for keyrinf, which i didnt know how to remove this message please?
nothing changed chrome isnt working, again uninstalled and installed, firefox wont allow plugins to watch videos, new pages wont load properly
new diagnostics eos-diagnostic-201027_174920_UTC 0100.txt (327,2 KB)
- Open the application called ‘Terminal’
- In this application run the command:
sudo ostree admin upgrade
i did that already and nothing
I did sudo ostree admin upgrade again and nothing and I check for memory too, still same, i tried to get exploration center back to chrome starting page, showing message with manifesto isnt working
should i reformat my pc with new version of endless os ? would that help?
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