Help me! Dont iniciate

When turning on my Acer, a window appeared that had never appeared before:
GNU GRUB VERSION 2.04+dev86. 0599233-5bem1

Below are the options:

However, in none of the options, the PC continues the connection. It gets stuck. I don’t understand anything about setup, boot, config, none of that!
Can anyone help me?

How should I proceed?

Hi there,

Sorry this update is not working on your device. You can follow the comment Upgrade 5.0.6 to 5.1.0 failed, ASUS frozen at Bios to boot with previous version.

I believe the step 3 is the GRUB menu you see. In the GRUB menu, you can choose “Advanced …” , then the second item should be “Endless OS 5.0.6 …” (for example) and boot with it.

After you boot into the system. Please help us have the debug log as the step 4 & 5 in the comment. Thanks!

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Hi! You can try the method mentioned in

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