How do i get Lutris or Wine on Endless OS 3

Hey Guys i have an Acer Aspire 5 with Endless OS 3.0 but im a noob in this operation System. I want to install such programms like Lutris or Wine but it doesnt work. I copy the stuff into Terminal but i always get error messages.
Pls could someone help me?

From version 3.0 on, Endless OS uses Flatpak, a new app distribution system for Linux

yea but i wanna play league of legends or world of warcraft u know?

Settings>Details>Look for updates

got already latest updates.

Lutri in flatpak soon

any other ways hmm like tutorial how i get wine or lutris work here

The best way to accomplish your goal is to make Flatpaks of those Windows games that either bundle Wine or use a shared Wine runtime. And while that’s not one of Endless’s own goals, there are people working on it and we will benefit from that work.

thats to hard… ceki@endless:~$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
[sudo] password for ceki:
dpkg: Fehler: Neue Datei »/var/lib/dpkg/arch-new« kann nicht angelegt werden: Das Dateisystem ist nur lesbar
ceki@endless:~$ ^C

this is what i get everytime

so what command do i need to type

February 2019 and still no WINE nor lutris or working winepaks and phoenicis has issues with wine due github . com/PhoenicisOrg/scripts/issues/841 and since you call it Endless i’m sharing how to compile it from source using portage:

DISCLAIMER: Perform on your own risk.
if you need assistance i’m kreyren on freenode.

make a new folder named gentoo in /mnt using mkdir /mnt/gentoo as root and extract stage3 from on your architecture on it.

Follow up with chroot from wiki . gentoo . org/wiki/Chroot#Configuration (replace /mnt/mychroot with your mount) and chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash

once in chroot environment invoke nano /etc/portage/make.conf and add FEATURES="collision-protect" which makes portage fail on ANY conflict meaning that if portage wanted to over-write something in Endless it would fail.

Then invoke nano /etc/resolv.conf and add:

# CloudFlare
nameserver 2606:4700:4700::1111
nameserver 2606:4700:4700::1001

Follow up with emerge --sync && emerge layman && emerge layman -S && layman -a bobwya which will sync build instructions (ebuild) for portage, install layman which is used to manage overlays and sync bobwya’s ebuilds (github . com/bobwya/bobwya) which has supperior wine with esync and pba patches.

Check what partition is used to mount endless and mount it on /mnt/endless in chroot

mask app-eselect/eselect-wine using nano and adding app-eselect/eselect-wine in /etc/portage/package.mask

Install wine using EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--autounmask-write --quiet --jobs" ROOT="/mnt/endless" emerge =wine-staging-wine-staging-4.2_p1::bobwya it’s going to fail with updates to /etc/portage invoke dispatch-conf and resolve confclits once conflicts are resolved reinvoke command above and wait for it to install -> this will install wine-staging-wine-staging-4.2_p1 on endlessOS.

Use /usr/lib/wine-staging-4.2_p1/bin/wine to invoke wine on endlessOS.

Tested on EndlessOS by endlessOS user based on my instructions

EDIT: remove spaces from URLs new users on endless forum can’t post more then two links…

EDIT: EndlessOS doesn’t see new files created by slave so invoking wine on slave is required.