How do I uninstall Endless OS?

i am not able to uninstall endless os. whenever I try to uninstall it from control panel it shows “the other program is busy switch to or retry”.

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@Vijendra.arya that’s a weird problem you’re seeing. Can you try the following things:

  • Boot into Windows
  • Make sure all other programs are closed
  • Open the file manager in Windows; browse to C:\endless, and double-click endless-uninstaller.exe. Does it work if you run it directly like this?
  • If not, try downloading a new copy of the Installer from and run it. It should detect that you already have a copy of Endless OS installed and give you the chance to uninstall it.
  • In either case, please open the file manager, type %TMP% into the location bar (see screenshot below) and press Enter. You should find one or more log files with names like EndlessInstaller[date_time] in there. Please attach them here.
  • You should also find one or more log files in the same folder as the new copy of the installer you downloaded. Again, please attach them here. It’d be helpful if you could explain which log files you found in which folder.

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