How to install additional software like VeraCrypt, Wine, etc.?

Hi guys,
as a total Linux newbie I just bought my first Linux (acer) laptop with Endless OS preinstalled. Originally I intended to install Ubuntu or Linux Mint, but as Endless was preinstalled I decided to give it a try - also because it seems quite easy and convenient for some friends who are no “tech-savvy users and developers other Linux distributions are oriented towards” :wink: (
I discovered Endless OS and some of its advantages, but am still struggling with additional software. Even if the software I need is available for Debian/Ubuntu, obviously you still can’t install it, unless it’s available via Endless “App Center” or via flatpak/
Or is there any chance to install other software like VeraCrypt (which I desperately need to get access to my files within a TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt-Container) or Wine (which I need for apps like tax software that only run on Windows)?
I would like to keep working with Endless OS, but at least these two programs are unquestionably show-stoppers for me.
I found Como instalar VERACRYPT with a similar question in portuguese - but unfortunately Rafael didn’t get any answer up till now.
Any solution?

Try this:

  • Go to
  • Download the Linux version to your Downloads folder
  • Open a Terminal
  • Run cd Downloads
  • Run tar -xjf veracrypt-1.22-setup.tar.bz2
  • Run ./veracrypt-1.22-setup-gui-x64
  • When prompted, choose 2 (Extract package file veracrypt_1.22_amd64.tar.gz and place it to /tmp)
  • Run cd /tmp
  • Run tar -xzf veracrypt_1.22_amd64.tar.gz
  • Run sudo cp -ar usr/* /usr/local

With luck you should now be able to launch VeraCrypt. But please suggest to the VeraCrypt developers that they might like to publish their software on Flathub.

There is some very, very experimental work on making Flatpaks of Wine at which you might find interesting. (The people behind it are nothing to do with Endless; I haven’t tried it myself.)

How to install the Winepak repository in Endless OS

Thanks for the detailed answer!
The installation (i.e. extraction) worked fine, but when I run veracrypt from terminal using the command “/tmp/usr/bin/veracrypt” I get the error message “/tmp/usr/bin/veracrypt: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory” (just installed Endless OS update to 3.4.3 (180613-213444)). Some ubuntu users with similar problems solved them using “sudo apt install …” to install the missing component. Which, as far as I know, is not possible in Endlos OS? (I already encountered this problem several times before.) On the other hand, according to “apt search libgtk” the library “libgtk-3-0” has already been installed.
Any idea?

Thanks for the tip! Winepak installation worked fine. At first, searching in the App Center I got several errors like “failed to get permissions: Unable to load metadata from remote winepak: unknown error” (or same with “… from remote flathub: unknown error”). Test installation of “Notepad++” from winepak repository (via App-Center) still worked fine and later the above error message didn’t reappear.
Now I only have to figure out how to install a “setup.exe” which is not available via winepak repository, e.g. “mp3DirectCut” from
I tried “flatpak install winepak ~/Downloads/mp3DC224.exe” but got an error “Invalid id : Name can’t be empty” …
Unfortunately “flatpak install -?”,, github etc. didn’t provide much help (or I didn’t understand it).

Ah – my slightly out-of-date development system had this library, but there’s no way to install it on your system. Please ask the VeraCrypt developers if they’re interested in publishing VeraCrypt as a Flatpak on Flathub.

Please ask the VeraCrypt developers if they’re interested in publishing VeraCrypt as a Flatpak on Flathub1.

I did, but didn’t get any answer so far.
Is there any alternative, like other means of encrypted storage or encrypted containers in Endlos OS?

You can create an encrypted disk image using the Disks application.