Chrome remote desktop is downloaded by the chrome browser. It doesn’t seem to be in any repo, I found no flatpak and no appimage contaimning it. When I tried to install it, it just lingers forever. Has anyone installed it on endless? How can I do it?
Hi Fernado_Loula,
Unfortunately, Chrome Remote Desktop seems only provided in deb package and it is currently not support on flathub.
And here are two possible solutions you may want to look into:
- Using built-in Screen Sharing service(vino-server, an VNC server)
- To enable it, open a terminal and enter:
$ sudo systemctl --user start vino-server.service
- Then you can use ‘Vinagre’(the default remote desktop viewer in Gnome and Endless OS) or any VNC view to access via the IP with default port 5900
- And to setup the viewer password, please go to: Settings > Sharing > Screen Sharing (There is an known issue the toggle won’t work, but ‘Require a password’ still can be set from the interface)
- To enable it, open a terminal and enter:
- and, to stop it:
$ sudo systemctl --user stop vino-server.service
- Try commercial solution like Anydesk,
You will need to install on both end of your computers.
Flatpak installation can be found here:
And also, please reference detail steps in this post: How to Access Endless OS in Remote Access
Thank you so much for your input, @EndlessYung. I really seem to be having no luck with endless OS. First I had to change my computer for not being able to handle a hardware issue, now this remote desktop kind of worries me. Maybe you could advise me as to which way to go, I know nothing about the vino server, do I need a fixed IP to use it?(to be more exact, do I need to know the IP of the remote machine - in my case the EndlessOS host - in order to be able to log in? Does the server run on it’s own every time the machine goes on? Is this AnyDesk plug and play like Chrome desktop? Or maybe, could I produce a Flatpack from a .deb? How about an Appimage?
Hey, @Fernando_Loula I am related to what you are saying, this is not unusual to step on hardware issues when you first start to try out a Linux-based system. My general suggestion would be reporting these issues to the related project and they will eventually get fixed in the future and next time when you pick the hardware, look for 1, or 2 generations older technology, or laptop preloaded with Linux system.
vino-server uses VNC protocol, its connection requires an IP or domain name, but not necessarily fixed IP, and be aware, you need to allow default port 5900 if you’re using a firewall.
And I had a quick look into the deb package, it touches some system files, which may not that easy to just repack into Flatpak, I wouldn’t suggest you go to this way.
I would say AnyDesk works somewhat similar to Chrome Remote Desktop, but since it’s a commercial product I wouldn’t able to say they are the same.
And to make AnyDesk auto start at the login, please open a terminal any follow these commands:
1 $ mkdir ~/.config/autostart
2 $ cp /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/com.anydesk.Anydesk.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
Along with auto login,
Settings > Users > 'You Account' > toggle 'Automatic Login'
And now, every next reboot, your machine will log in into the desktop and bring up the AnyDesk.
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