I’m a total newbie, I’ve never used UNIX/LINUX operation systems and LibreOffice before. Could you please tell me step-by-step instructions of installing the Times New Roman font? Should I download this font somewhere? Should I somehow launch the downloaded file afterwards? Thank you
@alita you can use the new interface of LibreOffice
Click View User interface
In tabs
To add the new icon theme Colibre
Press Alt+F12
Click View Icon Styles
Click OK
Thank you. It works!
Unfortunately, I don’t have the option “Colibre” in Icon Styles, I see only two options: “Helpimg” and “Tango”. I’m using Libre Office 5. Maybe I should donwload this icon style too?
What version of Endless OS are you using?
To check which version of Endless OS you are in Settings Details
Thank you! I’ve upgraded to Endless OS 3.5.6, new Icon Styles including Colibri in LibreOffice appeared.
Could you please help me with one more problem. When I click the button in lower left corner I don’t see the black pop-up menu as in your gif. This button works for me only in two modes: “Show Desktop/Show Apps”. I’m using “Super+R” to configure settings, but I would like to be able to use this black menu as in your gif. How can I do this?