HP6570B keyboard issue on resume


I have the latest Endless OS running on an HP6570B laptop. If I close the lid and then later resume, I notice the keyboard doesn’t work at all, the mouse touchpad works fine. I can reboot and be working again in 30 seconds but is there a script I can create, I can then click the a link to reload the keyboard, rather than reboot?


Algo que nos ayudaría mucho a entender el problema sería la siguiente:

  1. Abra la aplicación llamada ‘Terminal’
  2. En esta aplicación, ejecute el comando:


  1. El comando anterior creará un archivo con la información del sistema (por ejemplo EOS-diagnóstico-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Envíenos este archivo para que podamos analizar y ver una posible solución

Apologies for the delay

eos-diagnostic-181121_191116_UTC 1300.txt (1.8 MB)

@Daniel Could help? :endless:

This log message likely indicates the problem:

Nov 21 19:09:23 endless kernel: i8042: Can’t write CTR while closing KBD port

It seems a similar (or the same?) bug is affecting several different laptop models and is currently being diagnosed at https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=195471

Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like there are any effective workarounds yet, although if you want to experiment with the i8042 parameter you can edit the files in /boot/loader/ to add that parameter.

Thanks Daniel appreciated