hi there why i can’t install vlc on endless? need help ASAP…
Something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:
- Open the application called ‘Terminal’
- In this application run the command:
- The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution
same problem, here’s what I got
eos-diagnostic-180212_074244_UTC 0800.txt (752.0 KB)
- Open the application called ‘Terminal’
- In this application run the command:
rm -f eos-fix-ostree-repo
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/endlessm/eos-meta/master/eos-tech-support/eos-fix-ostree-repo
chmod +x eos-fix-ostree-repo
sudo ./eos-fix-ostree-repo && sudo flatpak update
I tried to install VLC from the desktop Icon without any success, after attempting to open the installer the icon disappeared. I did what you suggested and used ‘eos-diagnostics’ in the terminal and have attached the resulting text file. eos-diagnostic-180213_132840_UTC 0000.txt (454.4 KB)
Using Flathub with the following command : flatpak install --from https://flathub.org/repo/appstream/org.videolan.VLC.flatpakref
Vlc is installed but not add in your applications database and run here !!!
with following icons :
We recently switched to downloading VLC from Flathub, and there was a period of a few days when it was broken. If you upgrade to the latest version of Endless OS (3.3.11+), I’m pretty sure that you will be able to install VLC without a problem. If not, please let me know!
Downloading VLC from Flathub works, but its not possible to install it. Hope you can help: eos-diagnostic-180514_233759_UTC 0200.txt (290.7 KB)