Well now is 23:45 in my timezone (Indonesia +7)
This afternoon my friend share your url, when I clicked it, I surprised. It is in bahasa Indonesia!
Distro linux available in bahasa Indonesia is rare, very rare.
I thought it was created by Indonesians, and I was wrong, double surprised!!
So I download the iso (indonesia version) , test it in virtualbox.
And the ui is in perfect bahasa Indonesia, triple surprised!!!
I am a linux enthusiast, sysadmin and web developer. I have begin my linux (from 2001) with slackware - redhat - debian - ubuntu - mint - manjaro(arch) and finally now I’m using void.
I am having trouble to introduce linux even to my family. Linux is too technical for them. And with this endlessOS, I know I have better opportunity to switch their os to linux.
Thank you for develop bahasa Indonesia in this great distro.
Please create “Indonesia” category in this forum.
Best Regards from Surabaya, Indonesia.
Welcome to the team! We are all learning and trying to help the community have the best experience possible!
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Hi Risiyanto, salam kenal!
I’m Septira from Endless Indonesia. Thank you for the kind words and support, we really appreciate it!
We’re considering to create the Indonesia category in the forum, we’ll let you know once it’s up. Please stay tuned.
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Salam kenal juga Septira.
Saya biasa dipanggil Aris.
Thank you for you warm welcome.
I’ll invite my linux friends to join here if Indonesia category has available.
How many Indonesian people work there (SF) for translation?
You’re all working great!
Can you make a proposal to create EndlessOS in javanese language too?
Javanese is largest ethnic group in Indonesia (85 million)
Oh ya, bahasa inggris saya belum sempurna untuk berkomunikasi.
Harap maklum.
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Hi Aris @risiyanto maaf banget baru balas…
Wah boleh nih diundang teman-teman untuk mencoba Endless OS. Coba saya sampaikan lagi soal forum Bahasa Indonesianya…
Sebelumnya ada sekitae 2-3 orang dari komunitas yang membantu menerjemahkan Endless OS. Apakah Anda berminat untuk bantu menerjemahkan?
Bahasa Inggris Anda sangat bagus! Terus ngobrol di forum Bahasa Inggris Endless biar bisa latihan terus
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Hi @risiyanto,
I wanted to let you know that I’ve created a new Indonesia sub-category for you. Once we have some more topics and comments in your language we will create a top-level language category for it.
Thanks for your contributions, and I hope you’ll help us build up an active community of Indonesian users!
Dear @mhall119,
Thank you very much!
Terima kasih banyak!
Matur nuwun sanget!
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