I need to unstall Endless to install Windows

Good morning,

I bought an Asus that comes with Endless, and due to my work I need to change OS since I use very specific programs that Endless does not have.

I have tried everything. I can mount the image without problems in a pen and I get to get the installation program to start, but before starting a message appears “Missing a media driver that your PC needs.” I think it’s because the .iso that I download from the official Windows page, needs a launcher (which is also downloaded from the official website) which is an .exe file that Endless does not allow to open. I have tried everything, and nobody gives me solutions.

I have seen in this forum that several people have tried several things, but I can not find an answer.
The only thing that I would fail to try would be to uninstall Endless and install Windows from scratch.
How can I do it?

Thank you

We can not help you
We only support Endless OS

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