Installing apps

I was wondering if there’s another way of downloading apps besides the store and terminal?

my country has recently blocked the app store, so that’s not accessible for me and I can’t download anything from the terminal either.
I really need to download some bunch of apps and my current apps are outdated. so is there any other way to download apps?

You may find the information in this Flathub thread about accessing Flathub in China useful. (Most of the apps available in Endless OS come from Flathub.)

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If your internet provider has blocked the access to the repositories, you are probably out of luck. May i ask you in which country you are located, it’s interesting to hear that access to linux software repositories are blocked.

To verify if your provider has blocked access, please run the following command (simply copy/paste it into Terminal and press Enter):

if [ -f ${OUT} ]; then rm ${OUT}; fi
flatpak remotes --columns=url | awk -F '/' '/https/ {print $3}' | sort | uniq | while read host
    echo "Testing: ${host}"
    openssl s_client -showcerts -connect ${host}:443 2>&1 </dev/null | tee -a ${OUT} | grep "Verify return code"

In case the connection is possible and nobody has tampered with the encryption this will output:

Verify return code: 0 (ok)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)
Verify return code: 0 (ok)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)

If you have another output, please upload the file ssl.txt which has been generated in your home directory by the above command.

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