Installing Tensorflow on Endless

Hello, i’m new to endless OS and i need to run machine learning algorithms.
As you expect it, Tensorflow would be nice, but I have troubles when following this tutorial:
By default I was following the one about ubuntu, but i don’t know if it is ok. :confused:

If someone has another tutorial, working on endless OS, i would be grateful !

Thank you for your help !

From version 3.0 on, Endless OS uses Flatpak, a new app distribution system for Linux.


  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:
sudo flatpak install --user --from && sudo Check if it can be started && sudo flatpak run com.xamarin.MonoDevelop


Thank you for your answer, I ran the command, installed monodevelop, and started it !

What is the next step ? :slight_smile: