Is it possible to install Ubuntu and keep Endless as an alternative operating system?
Is it possible to install Ubuntu?
Using Gnome Boxes on Endless you can install Ubuntu in a virtual machine. It is also possible to install Endess using Gnome Boxes on Ubuntu. There are several tutorials on the internet that cover dual booting various Linux Distros. Here is an example on one such site.
I don’t understand what Gnome boxes are, could you explain them to me so I can perform the installation?
Gnome Boxes is an application available in the Endless App Store. It is a nice user frontend that works with a QEMU backend to create virtual machines. The interfaces allows you to select a variety of Linux Distos, download the distro and then automatically create a usable virtual machine.
When opening Gnome Boxes you can either select to open a virtual machine you have already created or create a new one. If you choose to create a new VM you are offered a rather lengthy list of Linux Distros you can select. It will then download the installer and setup the machine.
If you are more experienced you can setup a virtual machine (Box) for many OSes even non open source OSes such as Windows.
Here is a link to the applications web page which provides links the GitHub page as well as the manual and other general information.
I have tried to create a box with a new operating system, a virtual machine, but it has not been possible. It always generates an error and the virtual machine is not created. However, is it possible to do the installation through a USB and leave a dual system? in the way you suggested with the previous message.
I am sorry but I do not personally have any experience with setting up a dual boot system on a single drive. My desktop system has two hard drives and I do have a different OS on each drive and use the hardware’s boot chooser (F12 on Lenovo) to pick which hard drive to start from.
What error did you get with Gnome Boxes? I have had very good luck with Boxes. I mostly just enjoy creating a small system to play around with all the different desktop environments that are available.
It’s technically possible to install Ubuntu alongside Endless OS on the same disk. You can do something like this:
- Install Endless OS
- Boot Endless OS (I think you’re already here)
- Boot a Linux live USB and shrink the Endless OS root filesystem and partition
- Boot the Ubuntu installer, and install it to the free space on the disk that was freed up by step 3
- Choose between the two using your EFI firmware’s boot menu