KDEConnect install missing pieces

I tried to install KDEConnect. It is in the software center, but I believe it is pulled from Flathub.org. The install goes well, but when trying to launch it provides the error “cannot connect to KDE connect dbus service”.

Checking on the git hub site for the project it requires the Gnome Shell Extension “(K)StatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support” in order to function. And I do not believe that Endless allows the user to add Gnome Shell Extensions.

Since I use KDEConnect, I would ask that you add this extension to Endless. While I do understand your desire to keep Endless well controlled, it would be nice to allow users to add Gnome Shell Extensions. Perhaps you could add a few “white listed” extensions to the software center.



Thanks @LeandroStanger. I am not sure I clearly followed that thread. The github page for the project simply states it requires Gnome Shell Extension “(K)StatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support” and I do not know if that is part of Endless or not. I assume if KDE Connect requires more items from the flathub repository it would download and install them automatically.

Overall I think flatpaks are still not as robust for handling software installations as is apt and rpm at least as insuring that all the dependencies for full functionality are met. Epiphany, Gnome Photos, Gnome Documents and others all fall short in features compared to what is available when installed with a systems package manager.


The issue is that it requires the KDEConnect service to be running in the Base OS - or to be bundled in the flatpak. It should be bundled in the flatpak, which is kind of what the thread linked above mentions.

I’ve tested the KDEConnect experience from the KDE Apps Flatpak Repo (which is for testing nightly builds of apps, similar to the GNOME Nightly one) and it works fine in Endless.