LibreOffice - Lang. files

Hy all! I’d like to ask some help. I’m Gyuszi/Julian, from Hungary.

I can’t install lireoffice-l10n-hu or any other ui lang pack, and my wife can’t understand eng/rus interfaces. App center didn’t allow to install deb lang pack, so if U have any idea, pls share with me.

THX!! :slight_smile:

@gyhun95 You have to report this here :arrow_down:

Thanks! I’ll do that…


flatpak install --reinstall flathub org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.Locale

It’s reinstall local files for the system-wide lang, and after that the display is correct!

And finally, U have to open a terminal and run: flatpak update. So It can open your files, with right UTF-8 coding…