No reconoce adaptador de red inalambrica

Hola, necesito ayuda. He comprado un portatil que viene con endless y no reconoce mi adaptador de red inalambrica.
El modelo es el siguiente: RTL8821CE 882.11ac PCIe Wireless NetworkAdapter.

Que debería hacer?


Hello, there was a specific version of Endless OS (4.0.0) which had some issues with RTL8821CE wireless cards. Can you please:

  1. Verify which version you have, and if it happens that you are running 4.0.0, can you please connect your device with a wired network connection and update it to the latest version (4.0.6 as of today)
  2. If you are already running 4.0.6, can you please provide us with a diagnostic by opening a Terminal and run eos-diagnostics, then upload the generated file into this thread.

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