OS Version 3.3.20-nexthw1 (200116-021118) - Can't Update to Anything

Hello! Just bought the laptop, it came with the version of the OS that I specified in the title of the theme. When I click “Check for updates now”, it searches for them, then goes installing for 15 min or some and then gives me an “Update failed”.

This came out after I tried eos-updater-ctl:

======= Ownership =======
com.endlessm.Updater appeared as :1.76
======= Properties =======
State: Error
CurrentID: ‘b90c9d17e795282c96f429654a516709a1dc11a5d13b8d4a19d98f60e994910c’
DownloadSize: int64 1396833311
DownloadedBytes: int64 862617224
ErrorCode: uint32 38
ErrorMessage: ‘Could not connect: Network is unreachable’
ErrorName: ‘org.gtk.GDBus.UnmappedGError.Quark._g_2dio_2derror_2dquark.Code38’
FullDownloadSize: int64 1753623928
FullUnpackedSize: int64 4081589551
OriginalRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/nexthw/eos3.3’
UnpackedSize: int64 3393800104
UpdateID: ‘80f93e4188088320a339bd15a7defbc88a9ef8588e3578e0b0220aa03a99424e’
UpdateLabel: ‘200810-184845’
UpdateMessage: ‘Built with eos-ostree-builder Release_3.8.4’
UpdateRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a’

This came out when I tried eos-updater-ctl update:

Changed state to Polling
Changed state to UpdateAvailable
======= Properties =======
State: Polling
CurrentID: ‘b90c9d17e795282c96f429654a516709a1dc11a5d13b8d4a19d98f60e994910c’
DownloadSize: int64 1396833311
DownloadedBytes: int64 862617224
ErrorCode: uint32 0
ErrorMessage: ‘’
ErrorName: ‘’
FullDownloadSize: int64 1753623928
FullUnpackedSize: int64 4081589551
OriginalRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/nexthw/eos3.3’
UnpackedSize: int64 3393800104
UpdateID: ‘80f93e4188088320a339bd15a7defbc88a9ef8588e3578e0b0220aa03a99424e’
UpdateLabel: ‘200810-184845’
UpdateMessage: ‘Built with eos-ostree-builder Release_3.8.4’
UpdateRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a’

Changed state to Fetching
Changed state to Error
======= Properties =======
State: Fetching
CurrentID: ‘b90c9d17e795282c96f429654a516709a1dc11a5d13b8d4a19d98f60e994910c’
DownloadSize: int64 534255760
DownloadedBytes: int64 288152698
ErrorCode: uint32 0
ErrorMessage: ‘’
ErrorName: ‘’
FullDownloadSize: int64 1753623928
FullUnpackedSize: int64 4081589551
OriginalRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/nexthw/eos3.3’
UnpackedSize: int64 1362932475
UpdateID: ‘80f93e4188088320a339bd15a7defbc88a9ef8588e3578e0b0220aa03a99424e’
UpdateLabel: ‘200810-184845’
UpdateMessage: ‘Built with eos-ostree-builder Release_3.8.4’
UpdateRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/amd64/eos3a’

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 355, in
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 351, in main
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 190, in command_update
apply_result = command_apply(block=True, quiet=quiet)
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 177, in command_apply
return command_dbus(‘apply’, block, quiet)
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 145, in command_dbus
proxy.call_sync(‘com.endlessm.Updater.’ + function_name, None, 0, -1, None)
GLib.Error: g-io-error-quark: GDBus.Error:com.endlessm.Updater.Error.WrongState: Can’t call Apply() while in state Error (36)

I’ve seen an identical case on the forum, Stanislav had it here , and, as well as him, I’m from Ukraine. None of the scripts given helped him - and neither did they help me so far. He said that his OS updated on itself as he (probably) changed the region/language, but I can’t figure out yet how to do that.

Any help really welcome.

eos-diagnostic-200829_181105_UTC 0300.txt (888,2 KB)


Please try the following command:

sudo ostree admin upgrade

Hello! Thanks a lot)) But this is, unfortunately, what came out (it seems to me I also tried it but didn’t list it up there):

nice@endless:~$ sudo ostree admin upgrade
[sudo] password for nice:

3 metadata, 0 content objects fetched; 1 KiB transferred in 4 seconds
No update available.

can you please open a Terminal and type:

journalctl -f -u eos-updater 2>&1 | tee ~/update.log

Then, open another Terminal and run the updater with:

eos-updater-ctl update --force

As soon as you get the error, press Ctrl-C in the first Window, then upload the file update.log which has been created in your Home Directory. This will give us a little more insight in what exactly goes wrong with the updater.

I tried it right now, using the first command you’ve given me and then using the second, BUT without the “– force” part - and, for no special reason (I’ve tried this method before and it didn’t work), it just went updating, UpdateApplying, UpdateApplied - now I’m 3.8.5. Thank you so much!) Don’t know how, but some randomness and luck also helped XD

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