Playstation DS4 Bluetooth Controller For Gaming?

Hi all,

A Playstation 4 wireless controller will pair in Bluetooth but games like TuxKart and SuperTux do not recognize it. Any suggestions?

UPDATE: Using the command # apt list --installed, it appears the “bluez-utils” package (which contains the necessary drivers) would need to be installed for PlayStation Dual Shock 4 controllers to work. Hopefully, we’ll see this in the next update, as there are lots of great games available on Endless OS.

Hi there! That’s a really good idea. I spotted recently that our ‘friend in open source’, Bastien Nocera, had done some great work with Dual Shock on Fedora so it looks totally possible to integrate.


Hi Nick,

Yes, it is currently possible for wired controllers and Bluetooth (on Ubuntu at least), but the DS4 (and Xbox) drivers will need to be need to be included in a build update by the dev team. After looking through the package list I saw that the “joypad” package is not installed the latest Endless OS v 3.26 release. Now as for Bluetooth goes, some additional python-pip and python-dev packages will need to be installed and given the ready-only nature of Endless OS, I don’t see it possible to run the DS4DRV driver for the DS4. I’ve tried USB wired game controllers with no luck (haven’t tried a Steam controller). Maybe a dongle based 2.4Ghz controller like the Logitech F710 might work? Cheers!

@nolatux yes, I was talking about integrating some of these packages and configurations into the base OS in future. I think a steam controller may work better, but as you say, there’s work for us to do here.

Great! Thanks for the info. I’ve found that handheld Bluetooth keypads such as the Rii i8+ are also suitable for gaming.
