Problem with installation


My error SS:

Log of the error:

EndlessInstaller20161220_16_17_15.log (8.4 KB)

any replies on why can’t i download the file?

@hiAkki: what kind of computer are you using? (hardware)

WINDOWS XP [quote=“nuritzi, post:3, topic:953, full:true”]
@hiAkki: what kind of computer are you using? (hardware)

2.7 GHZ
1.75 G RAM

@revsal.007 are you the same person as @hiAkki? If you’re seeing this problem, please attach the log file from running the installer. It will have a name beginning EndlessInstaller, followed by the date and time you start the installer, and will be in the same folder as the installer.

Dell inspiron 3543
i5 5th gen
2 GB Nvidia 820M GRFX CARD

Guess that installer is either not fully patched or your servers are down.
I created Flashable USB using 3rd party soft so not a primary issue to solve this error for me but maybe for you to make it more reliable and user friendly.

@hiAkki our installer has trouble connecting to BITS, the Windows component we use to download files:

16:17:16 - DownloadManager.cpp:35 DownloadManager::Init
16:17:16 - DownloadManager.cpp:52 Error creating instance of BackgroundCopyManager. (GLE=[0])

Please could you check in Services that the BITS and Windows Firewall services are not disabled? (You can have the Firewall service enabled, but the firewall itself disabled; disabling the Firewall service causes knock-on problems with BITS and other parts of Windows, in my experience.)

already did, firewall is obviously first thing to turn off if you have any connectivity issues :slight_smile:
but no effects still the same error.

@hiAkki Can you try turning the Windows Firewall service on? I have seen this error when it is switched off.

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1st of all i just stopped windows firewall permanently, using ESET firewall.
and when i saw this connection error in this software(ESET Firewall was ON at that moment), i just turned off all firewalls(including ESET).

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