Problema con Chrome y con internet

Hola! Tengo un problema con Chrome, de repente dejó de funcionar, cuando intento abrirlo, se queda en blanco y se cierra, y no sé cómo puedo solucionarlo.

Además no consigo reestablecer la conexión de mi pc después de suspenderlo, siempre la pierdo y tengo que reiniciarlo. Mi Endless es el 3.4.2.

Ayuda porfi!

at first, please update your system and all installed applications to the latest version available. Open a Terminal, then run:

eos-updater-ctl update --force

when this command has been finished successfully, reboot, then open a Terminal again and issue:

flatpak update --appstream -y; flatpak update -y

If your problem still persists after these commands, please upload a diagnostic. You can generate one with the command:


Then, upload the generated file from your home directory into this thread.

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  1. Abra la aplicación llamada ‘Terminal’
  2. En esta aplicación, ejecute el comando:
sudo ostree admin upgrade
  1. Reinicia la computadora
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Tras varios días probando a suspender el pc, aún se queda sin conectividad. El problema con Chrome también persiste. eos-diagnostic-201201_113900_UTC 0100.txt (1.2 MB) Os dejo el diagnóstico por aquí. Muchas gracias.

As you are still on 3.4.2, can you please perform the following:

  1. Open a Terminal, then enter:
journalctl -f -u eos-updater 2>&1 | tee ~/eos-updater.log
  1. Open another Terminal, then enter:
eos-updater-ctl update --force

When the command from (2) finishes, press Ctrl-C in the first Window, then upload the file eos-updater.log here in this thread. The first step in solving your issue is to get your system up to date.

journalctl -f -u eos-updater 2>&1 | tee ~/eos-updater.log
– Logs begin at Sun 2020-11-29 01:08:24 CET. –
dic 01 13:45:57 endless systemd[1]: Started Endless OS Updater.
dic 01 13:45:57 endless eos-updater[5230]: Changing to state Polling
dic 01 13:45:57 endless eos-updater[5230]: Acquired the name com.endlessm.Updater
dic 01 13:45:57 endless eos-updater[5230]: Using product branch os/eos/nexthw/eos3.4
dic 01 13:45:57 endless eos-updater[5230]: libostree pull from ‘eos’ for os/eos/nexthw/eos3.4 complete
security: GPG: commit http: TLS
non-delta: meta: 1 content: 0
transfer: secs: 0 size: 1,1 kB
dic 01 13:45:57 endless eos-updater[5230]: [100B blob data]
dic 01 13:45:57 endless eos-updater[5230]: Using product branch os/eos/nexthw/eos3.4
dic 01 13:45:58 endless eos-updater[5230]: libostree pull from ‘eos’ for os/eos/nexthw/eos3.4 complete
security: GPG: commit http: TLS
non-delta: meta: 1 content: 0
transfer: secs: 0 size: 1,1 kB
dic 01 13:45:58 endless eos-updater[5230]: [64B blob data]
dic 01 13:45:58 endless eos-updater[5230]: Changing to state Ready
dic 01 13:47:05 endless eos-updater[5230]: Changing to state Polling
dic 01 13:47:05 endless eos-updater[5230]: Using product branch os/eos/nexthw/eos3.4
dic 01 13:47:06 endless eos-updater[5230]: libostree pull from ‘eos’ for os/eos/nexthw/eos3.4 complete
security: GPG: commit http: TLS
non-delta: meta: 1 content: 0
transfer: secs: 1 size: 1,1 kB
dic 01 13:47:06 endless eos-updater[5230]: [60B blob data]
dic 01 13:47:06 endless eos-updater[5230]: Changing to state Ready

Please run:

sudo ostree admin upgrade --reboot

Verify if you are still at 3.4.2 or 3.9.0

I still in 3.4.2 :frowning_face:

OK, can you please try the following:

chmod +x ./eos-fix-ostree-repo
sudo ./eos-fix-ostree-repo

Now reboot, and try the update again:

eos-updater-ctl update --force

Did this work out?

Thanks for your help! It still doesn’t work :frowning_face: I get this error:

eos-updater-ctl update --force
Changed state to Polling
Changed state to Ready
======= Properties =======
State: Polling
CurrentID: ‘dc669d494e79b26eebcb0ed208d05329ad06ce9f582cb8e3ae2a0d889b506234’
DownloadSize: int64 0
DownloadedBytes: int64 0
ErrorCode: uint32 0
ErrorMessage: ‘’
ErrorName: ‘’
FullDownloadSize: int64 0
FullUnpackedSize: int64 0
OriginalRefspec: ‘’
UnpackedSize: int64 0
UpdateID: ‘’
UpdateLabel: ‘’
UpdateMessage: ‘’
UpdateRefspec: ‘’
Version: ‘’

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 409, in
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 405, in main
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 209, in command_update
force=force, timeout=timeout)
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 191, in command_fetch
return command_dbus(‘fetch’, block, quiet, parameters)
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 159, in command_dbus
proxy.call_sync(qualified_method_name, parameters, 0, -1, None)
GLib.Error: g-io-error-quark: GDBus.Error:com.endlessm.Updater.Error.WrongState: Can’t call Fetch() while in state Ready (36)

Nevermind! After this, I tried again the command:

sudo ostree admin upgrade

and it works!

Thank you so much guys! :smiley:

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