PythonTurtle and/or wxPython install

I was interested to run PythonTurtle ( on Endless. I was having issues because of the need for wxPython. It seems there is no wheel for wxPython for Endless — at least when I tried pip installing it into a virtual environment it failed to be able to compile.

Then I had issues finding a compiler, but imagine there would be several hoops to jump through (or maybe just a few “forwarding” scripts to run gcc and the like in from a container – for which I couldn’t find one with build tools).

No matter the case about PythonTurtle, I think wxPython is a great GUI toolkit to develop with, how can this be done on Endless?


Directly, it’s not possible as Endless OS does not have a compiler nor the required build dependencies. If you want to run tools like PythonTurtle, use toolbox to run a instance of Fedora or Debian on EOS and us it inside this container. To run a Fedora toolbox, it’s just a matter of:

toolbox create

and then

toolbox enter

To run applications based on wxWidgets natively on Endless OS, you need to build your application against the corresponding Flatpak SDK/Runtime and distribute it as a .flatpak file or online at flathub.

Thanks! That’s super helpful. Got it all working now.

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