Release | Endless OS 6.0.1

I have just released Endless OS 6.0.1 as an upgrade for existing users. New builds for fresh installations will be available to download soon.

Some highlights from the release notes:

  • If an application window opens immediately after you log in, it would previously not be possible to click anything; this is now resolved in most cases.
  • On fresh installs, Settings is correctly placed in the Utilities folder on the first page of the desktop.
  • New dual-boot installations of 6.0.0 incorrectly had less than 1GB of free space, regardless of the size chosen during installation. This has been fixed, both for affected systems upgrading to 6.0.1, and for fresh installations once 6.0.1 is released. It is not necessary to reinstall.
  • Advanced users can now use the wg and wg-quick command-line tools to configure Wireguard VPNs.
  • On fresh installs, Arduino IDE v2 is preinstalled rather than the obsolete Arduino IDE v1.
  • Diagnostic logs from early in the boot process are now correctly preserved during the first boot of a new installation.
  • Endless OS releases are signed with a key that proves that they come from Endless OS Foundation. This release extends the expiration date on that key to 2034.

Several of these improvements are a direct result of feedback we’ve received on this forum – thank you for your support!

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