Que tal buen dia,compre una pc con endless y la verdad me gusto mucho pero mis hijos usan programas que no “trabajan” en endless,busque en varios lugares y casi todos son para borrar endless(cosa que no quiero) y lei lo del dualboot,ojala me puedan ayudar a como hacerlo o donde checarlo,de antemano muchas gracias que tengan buen dia.
The regular way to set up Dual-Boot Endless OS and Windows is to first install Windows, then run the Endless Installer.
You are asking for the other way round, which is currently not supported.
So you need:
- Windows Installer USB Stick with the latest Windows 10 on it - you can create one in Endless OS from the downloadable ISO, but there’s a little bit of work involved, so i recommend to just run the Microsoft supplied tool to create a USB Installer on another Windows 10 device
- A Windows 10 License Key (or a Windows 7 Key, they are cheap nowadays and still can be used to activate a Windows 10)
If you have these prerequisites, install Windows 10 as the only operating system first - please not that this will completely wipe all the data of your computer. Then, when finished with setting up Windows 10, download the Endless OS Installer:
Run and work through it. I recommend you to allocate at least 50 GB of space to Endless OS.
Which applications your Kids are using? If you don’t have a Windows License and are not able to get one, there’s always Wine, which allows you to run most Windows Applications on Linux (including EOS ). For this way, simply install Lutris or PlayOnLinux and run the installer of the desired Windows application. If you decide for this way, i recommend Lutris, which can be installed with:
flatpak remote-add --user flathub-beta https://flathub.org/beta-repo/flathub-beta.flatpakrepo
flatpak update --appstream -y
flatpak install -y --user flathub-beta net.lutris.Lutris//beta
Muchas gracias Leandrostanger, voy a hacer lo que me indica ya pasare el reporte de lo que suceda, buen dia.
Muchas gracias por responder egrath, agradezco mucho la molestia por darse el tiempo de ayudar a un neofito(igual agradezco la respuesta de LeandroStanger) ya les comunicare como me fue y de nuevo muchas gracias
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