Can I connect on Endless workstation using SSH protocol ?
How can I the SSH server ?
Can I connect on Endless workstation using SSH protocol ?
How can I the SSH server ?
@Leonardo_Feijo One of the tricks when trying to access an Endless workstation on a local network is that you need to append “.local” to the name of the machine. For instance, if the user name is “user” and the computer name is “endless”, you would want to “ssh user@endless.local”.
Also, if you haven’t already done so, be sure to enable remote access on the target machine:
Settings --> Sharing, then turn Sharing ON and Remote Login ON (this is also where you can set the computer name).
I hope that helps!
Not sure if OP knows exactly how to use SSH or not since he didn’t say but the syntax would go like this for you once you enable remote login. According to what roddy said.
ssh “remotemachineuser”@“remotemachinename”.local
No quotes. I personally never sign into SSH like this, I always replace the remote machine name with the local IP, didn’t even know you could login by entering the name. So if you want to do it like I do it that would be:
ssh “remotemachineuser”@“local ip(find by running ifconfig on the remote machine”.local
This should work, with the user password. If you can’t login as user for some reason try logging in as root
If remote login is enabled the local address off the local IP that you got from the machine you’re trying to login to with “ifconfig” in a terminal. I think Endless OS doesn’t have “apt” or its not avail for the end user so I don’t know how to install nmap on it but you can nmap the local ip you’re trying to SSH into if you get some kind of error or it says its down and the SSH port should be open on the target machine. I believe SSH is a TCP port too. Hope that helps!