Hello Will,
thank you for your reply, the checksum’s check of the downloaded .iso was all okay. Older versions (i. e. Versions 4 & 5), all of them verified, too) at least showed the Systems background picture with even the mouse-cursor being movable, but nothing else, the protocol - among many other things - showing the impossibility of loading important parts of GNOME. So the problem here seems to be my very machine, Clevo L140CU, seeming to end up at the wall soon.
Endless OS had been kind of my last hope somehow, the reason being some information Endless had implemented a way of circumventing Linux being kicked out by increasing numbers of machines with their drive-access modes limited to only Intel RST in their BIOSs, rendering the internal drives invisible to Linux that way. As it was said, Endless had implemented Linux kernel’s existing possibility of remapping NVME drives to the pci-bus & that way making them visible not only to Windows, but also to Linux.
But meanwhile its anyway useless for me of further going after that matter. As the reason for that, I meanwhile got to know of Endless OS simply having abandoned exactly that possibility, oddly predicating that step - If I got things right further - upon claiming no machines of that kind being around any more. The opposite is true, though, and in ever increasing numbers.
So, currently I assume, that also in this case those reports mentioned above are again mere rumours.