Hi there
I read that Steam is available as Flatpack - is there any way to get this also on other distributions?
Hi there
I read that Steam is available as Flatpack - is there any way to get this also on other distributions?
Hi, @Shalok_Shalom.
At the moment, the Steam flatpak we provide is only available in our flatpak repo running with our Endless runtime. We would love for Valve to take our “recipe” for building as a flatpak and provide an officially supported version for all distros. I’d encourage you to share your request with Valve, as the more demand they hear the more likely they will be to take action.
Also, technically there is no reason someone couldn’t follow our example and build a Steam flatpak against another runtime such as Freedesktop, possibly with a need to bundle additional packages that are in the Endless runtime but not in the Freedesktop runtime. (We have plans to do so at some point if Valve does not beat us to it, but no set date for this feature.)
The Steam Flatpak being distributed through Flathub
Thanks, @LeandroStanger. We do have plans to switch some of our apps to the version provided on Flathub in the near future, and Steam is definitely on that list.