Terminal doesnt work again

Terminal does not work and i wanna download an app called lmms

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal
  2. In this application run the command:
flatpak update --appstream && flatpak update -y
flatpak install flathub io.lmms.LMMS -y
flatpak run io.lmms.LMMS

@LeandroStanger Since @Petros.Koumlelis-23 is reporting that the terminal doesn’t work, I’m not sure how they’ll follow instructions that start with “open the Terminal”.

@Petros.Koumlelis-23 can you explain what you see when you try to launch the terminal?

Try these steps:

  1. Try to open Terminal
  2. Press Ctrl + F2
  3. Enter eos-diagnostics and press Enter
  4. The file manager should open with an eos-diagnostic file selected. Please attach it here.

terminal is opening but i cant write anythingeos-diagnostic-210930_140806_UTC 0300.txt (2,7 MB)

terminal is opening but i cant write anything eos-diagnostic-210930_140806_UTC 0300.txt (2,7 MB)

Do you have the High Contrast accessibility option enabled?

How can i do that???

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