This is not “Endless OS”

“This OS is not “Endless OS, it’s “Limited OS”, it’s not a OS of a computer, it’s a mobile OS. It does not have a desktop environment and abilities, no computer environment and abilities, if it would have the ability of apps and app interface as add on on desktop environment like the MacOS it would be amazing, but as it is, it does not have a desktop at all and no Computer environment, so it’s simply a Mobile OS Like iOS and Android OS.

What apps are you trying to install?

Cannot put any file or folder on desktop.טקסט מודגש

You can only add Flatpak applications to your desktop.

Yea, that’s the problem.

Even if your post read like it’s a Trolling attempt, i will try to give a respectable comment.

First of all, just because EOS is different in some aspects, does not mean, that it’s a bad operating system, IMHO the opposite is the case. So, actually, as far as i can grasp from your posts, you have two issues:

  1. The Desktop Environment, which does not allow you to put Folders and Documents on it, only applications
  2. The limited Software available in the AppStore

Ad 1:

Yes it’s true, thats not possible with EOS but with many other systems out there, be it Windows, Mac or some other Linux distributions with KDE or XFCE, but not GNOME, as that will also don’t allow Files and Folders on the Desktop without tweaking.

But what’s the point to it? Does it really matter if you store your Files on the Desktop or in a Folder beneath your home directory? No not really, it’s just something you get used to, it’s just a matter of personal preference.

Ad 2:

Absolutely untrue. You can either:

  • Run any Software inside a OS Container with Podman, be it a full Ubuntu or CentOS Distribution for your software stack
  • Build nearly any Software with minimal amount of time as a Flatpak or grab it already built (if the vendor has done this).

IMHO the Flatpak/OSTree approach EOS uses is very advanced and has many benefits over traditional systems:

  • Most of the system is read only, which is a security advantage
  • Updates can be rolled back
  • Application vendors don’t need to support a plenthora of different distributions, they simply can (and probably will in the future) provide a Flatpak which runs on every Linux distribution.

Yes it’s different. Give EOS a chance and you will learn to love this difference. I was a Distro Hopper since the early 2000s, but settled with EOS a while ago. And i’m glad i did.

A desktop is need for work space and easy reach ability.

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