The touchpad right-click on my Acer Swift 3 stopped working today after Endless OS update to 3.5.2 (181212-104737). Both, left-click and right-click are acting as the primary (left-click) button.
Hi @amsibr, we have updated the default touchpad behaviour to implement right clicking and middle clicking with two and three finger taps, rather than specialised areas of the touchpad. This is consistent with the same change made in GNOME 3.32, and we will be updating all of our GNOME components over the next few months anyway. As we have no way of telling whether a particular touchpad or model of computer is intended to be used with “click areas”, our user testing was showing us that people couldn’t understand why (in these areas) their clicks were not working normally.
If you prefer right click and middle click to have special areas on the trackpad as before, you can open a terminal (search for Terminal on the desktop), input the following and press enter:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad click-method default
Hello!. I use an Asus A541NA and after updating to 3.5.3 (181213-123044) right click is not working for me as well. I tried the command that you mentioned but no result for me. Any other way to fix it? Thanks in advance.