Touchscreen not working on Microsoft Surface Pro 4

Dear Community,

Hope everzone is healthy and safe!

I installed Endless OS on my Microsoft Surface Pro 4, but the touchscreen does not work. Everything else works perfectly.

Attached is the Diagnosctic file.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best Regards,


eos-diagnostic-210109_184928_UTC 0100.txt (1.3 MB)

First of all, i need to mention that i don’t have a Surface. But what i read on other sources, it seems that you are currently out of luck, because:

  • The required patches for supporting the Surface Touchscreen have been merged into Kernel 5.8.1 (1). EOS 3.9.1. currently uses 5.8.0.
  • Most people with Kernel < 5.8.1 use a custom Kernel (2), which is not supported on EOS.


Thanks for the quick response!

I am new in the Linux world and would not know where to find such info.

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