Transmission "port 51413 is closed". Also, Firefox doesn't work

Dear Endless community,
I’ve just bought a laptop with this OS pre-installed and I’m enjoying it so far. :slight_smile:
I’ve come across “port closed” case in Transmission. Of course, qBittorrent doesn’t work either.
What is even more funny, Firefox doesn’t work either! Google Chrome was pre-installed and it works fine, but Firefox doesn’t even move.
This is an Acer Swift 3, and I’ve had it only two days. I remember having the same problem with Ubuntu 14 on my old Dell long time ago, but I don’t remember how I solved it…
I’d be very grateful if somebody helped me here.

Algo que nos ayudaría mucho a entender el problema sería la siguiente:

  1. Abra la aplicación llamada ‘Terminal’
  2. En esta aplicación, ejecute el comando:


  1. El comando anterior creará un archivo con la información del sistema (por ejemplo EOS-diagnóstico-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Envíenos este archivo para que podamos analizar y ver una posible solución

Since the computer is brand new, and I have no experience with Endless whatsoever, I didn’t UPDATE the thing right away…
So, I updated it and Transmission works like a charm. :slight_smile:
However, Firefox doesn’t seem to behave, but I’m sure it’s a question of add-ons or so.
Thank you for your help, I have found many interesting topics here, and excuse my noob attitude… I know only the things I need. And when I need them. Others, not so much.

@Pacufka What version of Endless OS are you using 3.3.19 or 3.4.6?

I am using Endless 3.4.6