Travamento de sistema logo após a instalação

Acabei de instalar o ENDLESS OS, achei ótimo o sistema, porém ele está travando muito… Não sei o que pode estar acontecendo, por favor me ajufem

Algo que nos ajudaria bastante a entender o problema seria o seguinte:

  1. Abra o aplicativo chamado ‘Terminal’
  2. Neste aplicativo execute o comando:


  1. O comando acima irá criar um arquivo com as informações do seu sistema (exemplo: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC+0100.txt); Nos envie esse arquivo para que possamos analisar e ver uma possível solução

Hi, Jonas!

Besides the log that Leandro is asking, we would also like to know if the system is crashing after certain actions or if its happens at random times?

Hi, @jonasgabriel13!

Do you have an update on this?

Hi, Leandro and Byron, I believe I have an information that can be useful for you about system’s freezes or crashes at least for people running the system in dual boot alongside windows. Yesterday I had two freezes on boot screen, as I’m running EOS in dual boot with windows, I entered on windows to use a program to check the integrity of my hard drive, everything was fine except the program show me a plenty of fragmetation on files including endless.img on C: with 480 fragmented files, after I performed a defragmentation I restaterd, entered normally on Endless and everything is working so much better, as it reduced boot time and randomly small freezes.

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