Updating and later re-installation failes (Google Chrome)

I am getting the following error when I try to update via App-Center:

what should I do?

apparently, after abandoning the message, I am able to click the update button for each app separately and doing so I can work through the update list. “Update All” still yields the error message above.
eos-diagnostic-240329_153303_UTC 0100.txt (1.6 MB)

hmm, finally only Chrome remains left and is not updating itself by clicking on Update. Trying “Update all” with Chrome remainig yields:

I am tempted to uninstall Google Chrome, since I rarely use it. I prefer Waterfox, Firefox and Chromium.

since the problem is still there I uninstalled Google Chrome.

I am a bit puzzled that apparentlly I am the only one seeing this error message.

Hi, thanks for the topic, I have the same problem a few days… So, someone can help us?

Any attempt to update via terminal ends up with the following error:

Error: Error deploying: While trying to apply extra data: apply_extra script failed, exit status 256
Error: Can't remove org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/21.08, it is needed for: com.google.Chrome

with Google Chrome uninstalled, the update problems are gone. Re-installing failes miserably with:

Trying to file an issue with Google Chrome is impossible, since the instructions for filing an issue require using Chrome, which means an installed Google Chrome. Catch22 :frowning:

in the meantime I tried to file it here

Please can you reproduce the problem, and then attach the flatpak-system-helper.log file created by the following command:

journalctl -u flatpak-system-helper.service > flatpak-system-helper.log

here we are: flatpak-system-helper.log (58.3 KB)

ar: error while loading shared libraries: libsframe.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
tar: data.tar.xz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
mv: cannot stat 'opt/google/chrome/chrome': No such file or directory
cp: cannot create regular file 'opt/google/chrome/chrome': No such file or directory

Fascinating and weird. I’ll dig a little deeper.

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This is a bug I introduced a few weeks ago. Thank you for reporting it – a fix is awaiting review here.

That fix has been released. It should now be possible to install and update Chrome once again. I am working on a change to our build system to prevent this problem recurring. Thank you again for the report!

thank you for EndlessOS, and yes, Chrome installs correctly again

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