Не запускается Viber после обнавления

Купил недавно комп с предустеновленной ENDLESS OS 3. Все устраивает. Но после обновления Viber он перестал запускатся. В чем причина понять не могу, опыта не хватает.

Something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:


  1. The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution

first of all, make sure that you are running the latest version of Endless OS. To update everything, open a Terminal and run:

eos-updater-ctl update
flatpak update --appstream -y
flatpak update -y

If Viber is still not running, run it from a Terminal with

flatpak run com.viber.Viber

and post the output which is shown in the Terminal.

Hi @Aleksey, did this work?

ЭОС-диагностика не запускается. “flatpak run com.viber.Viber” не сработало. Viber не запускается. “update” обновилось.

Вот что выдал терминал:

mvideo@endless:~$ eos-updater-ctl update
Changed state to Polling
Changed state to Ready
======= Properties =======
State: Polling
CurrentID: ‘dc669d494e79b26eebcb0ed208d05329ad06ce9f582cb8e3ae2a0d889b506234’
DownloadSize: int64 0
DownloadedBytes: int64 0
ErrorCode: uint32 0
ErrorMessage: ‘’
ErrorName: ‘’
FullDownloadSize: int64 0
FullUnpackedSize: int64 0
OriginalRefspec: ‘’
UnpackedSize: int64 0
UpdateID: ‘’
UpdateLabel: ‘’
UpdateMessage: ‘’
UpdateRefspec: ‘’
Version: ‘’

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 409, in
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 405, in main
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 209, in command_update
force=force, timeout=timeout)
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 191, in command_fetch
return command_dbus(‘fetch’, block, quiet, parameters)
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 159, in command_dbus
proxy.call_sync(qualified_method_name, parameters, 0, -1, None)
GLib.Error: g-io-error-quark: GDBus.Error:com.endlessm.Updater.Error.WrongState: Can’t call Fetch() while in state Ready (36)
mvideo@endless:~$ flatpak update --appstream -y
Updating appstream data for remote eos-apps
Updating appstream data for remote eos-runtimes
Updating appstream data for remote eos-sdk
Updating appstream data for remote flathub

mvideo@endless:~$ flatpak run com.viber.Viber
Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
sh: xdg-mime: команда не найдена


mvideo@endless:~$ eos-diagnostics
Gjs-Message: JS WARNING: [/usr/bin/eos-diagnostics 190]: Too many arguments to method Gio.FileInfo.get_file_type: expected 0, got 1
Gjs-Message: JS WARNING: [/usr/bin/eos-diagnostics 190]: Too many arguments to method Gio.FileInfo.get_file_type: expected 0, got 1
Gjs-Message: JS WARNING: [/usr/bin/eos-diagnostics 190]: Too many arguments to method Gio.FileInfo.get_file_type: expected 0, got 1
Gjs-Message: JS WARNING: [/usr/bin/eos-diagnostics 190]: Too many arguments to method Gio.FileInfo.get_file_type: expected 0, got 1
Endless OS Diagnostics file saved as:
Please send that file (not this message!) to the Endless Community or Support.

eos-diagnostic-200620_090555_UTC 0300.txt (978.0 КБ)

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:

sudo ostree admin upgrade

Проблема решена. Все в порядке.

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