Virtual School not working properly

When trying to run Virtual School in the App store it pulls up the error “This site can’t be reached” org.learningequality.kalite.localhost refused to connect.

It looks like it’s using the default browser (chromium) to try to connect to a web server on the machine that doesn’t exist.

Is there a solution for this? Because we’re hoping to provide this virtual school content for incarcerated youth on the systems we’re setting up.


Something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command: eos-diagnostics
  3. The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution

Here’s the aforementioned document.

Thanks for the help.

eos-diagnostic-170427_185906_UTC-0700.txt (666.8 KB)

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While there is an endless update for that computer, it fails to update every time.

Do I need to just update my installer constantly for it to keep up with the updates?

I assumed it would be able to update after installing a (relatively) new build.

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Regarding updates: no, you do not need to update your installer. Endless OS should be able to update itself, of course. Your log shows that it succeeded yesterday:

Apr 27 12:11:16 endless systemd[1]: Started EndlessOS Automatic Updater.
Apr 27 12:11:18 endless eos-autoupdater[20573]: EOS updater state is: 8
Apr 27 12:11:18 endless eos-autoupdater[20573]: Updater finished successfully

So, if you reboot, you should boot into the latest version. You say:

While there is an endless update for that computer, it fails to update every time.

But this log doesn’t show that – is this the same machine? What symptom do you see?

That log suggests that you tried to launch KALite about 11:47am, is that about right? Here’s the interesting bit:

Apr 27 11:47:31 endless eos-shell.desktop[1670]: 18:47:31:0178 Gs  failed to call gs_plugin_refine_app on flatpak: failed to get size: Ref app/org.learningequality.KALite/x86_64/eos3 no installed
Apr 27 11:47:31 endless eos-shell.desktop[1670]: 18:47:31:0452 Gs  not handling error not-supported for action refine: failed to get size: Ref app/org.learningequality.KALite/x86_64/eos3 no installed
Apr 27 11:47:38 endless eos-shell.desktop[1670]: 18:47:38:0136 Gs  failed to call gs_plugin_launch on flatpak: app/org.learningequality.KALite/x86_64/eos3 not installed
Apr 27 11:47:47 endless systemd[1390]: Started flatpak-org.learningequality.KALite-19817.scope.

@mario any idea?

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The app store still shows an endless update, but it’s true, I haven’t rebooted in a while, possibly since the last update. So I’m doing that now, I probably won’t get back to the machine tonight, but it is the same machine.

As for launching kalite I didn’t specifically launch kalite though I did try to install it separately to see if that would fix it. I forget the result but I think it failed to install.

The reasoning there was that maybe it wasn’t properly installed since Virtual School was calling it and not succeeding somehow.

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That log suggests that you tried to launch KALite about 11:47am, is that about right? Here’s the interesting bit:

Apr 27 11:47:31 endless eos-shell.desktop[1670]: 18:47:31:0178 Gs failed to call gs_plugin_refine_app on flatpak: failed to get size: Ref app/org.learningequality.KALite/x86_64/eos3 no installed
Apr 27 11:47:31 endless eos-shell.desktop[1670]: 18:47:31:0452 Gs not handling error not-supported for action refine: failed to get size: Ref app/org.learningequality.KALite/x86_64/eos3 no installed
Apr 27 11:47:38 endless eos-shell.desktop[1670]: 18:47:38:0136 Gs failed to call gs_plugin_launch on flatpak: app/org.learningequality.KALite/x86_64/eos3 not installed
Apr 27 11:47:47 endless systemd[1390]: Started flatpak-org.learningequality.KALite-19817.scope.

@mario any idea?

These errors seem to suggest that it was attempted to launch KA Lite right from the App Center, which failed to do it because it could not find the KA Lite flatpak app installed in the system for some reason. Interesting that @kevin managed to try to launch it from there though, as the App Center should not show the “Launch” button if the app is not found to be installed, so maybe there’s a bug there (CCing @jrocha for that).

So, I’d try to launch KA Lite from the desktop’s search entry, by typing “Virtual School”, waiting for the app to show up and then clicking on it. Now there are several possibles scenarios when searching for the app:

  1. The “Virtual School” app’s icon does not show up at all
  2. The “Virtual School” app’s icon does show up but clicking on it does nothing
  3. The “Virtual School” app’s icon does show up, clicking on it runs the app, but an error is shown (e.g. like the one mentioned in Virtual School not working properly - help - Endless OS Community)
  4. The “Virtual School” app’s icon does show up, clicking on it runs the app, and everything works as expected

My understanding from this report is that the initial problem found was case (3) and that now, for some reason (perhaps because of the attempt to manually install KA Lite afterwards?), the situation is either (1) or (2).

What I would do now is, first of all, remove any trace of any custom installation that has been performed, because KA Lite on Endless is supposed to be installed from the App Center, and only from there.

Once that’s done, I’d check whether the flatpak app is actually installed. From a terminal:

$ flatpak list -d
org.learningequality.KALite/x86_64/eos3 eos-apps 0fd6647d5101 - 734.6 MB system,current 

$ flatpak info org.learningequality.KALite
app/org.learningequality.KALite/x86_64/eos3 eos-apps 0fd6647d5101bc6393086eb07f92a03e5386615857e82111ad7fc7af49737acb

If nothing comes up it means it has not been installed at all, but if something comes up, I’d remove it manually with sudo flatpak uninstall org.learningequality.KALite now, to get to a clean state.

Next, I’d wipe all previous data from KA Lite from the system that might have made it there during the first attempt to run it with sudo rm -rf /var/lib/kalite.

Finally, I’d reboot the machine (this is important to make sure the /var/lib/kalite directory gets properly re-generated and that the App Center is actually restarted too), go to the App Center again and try to re-install the Virtual School app again. Once installed, it should show up on the desktop search and run, even though the first time it usually takes longer due to having to initialize things, but it should eventually load in the window, so please don’t interrupt it.

If, after doing all this you still get the original error, then please take another diagnostics file and report it back here. But remember to try to launch Virtual School from the desktop search also, not just from the App Center, as your comment from before makes me believe there might be a bug there that could be making things extra confusing.

Hope this helps,

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flatpak is installed

flatpak info org.learningequality.KALite/x86_64/master returns nothing installed

I then wiped kalite data with rm -rf /var/lib/kalite

then I rebooted the machine and launched virtual school from the icon on the desktop that is still there.

It seems to have worked, I’m now in the virtual school and just need to download the videos and such. Thanks for the help.

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flatpak is installed

flatpak info org.learningequality.KALite/x86_64/master returns nothing installed

Oops! My mistake, I should have said flatpak info org.learningequality.KALite, sorry.

I then wiped kalite data with rm -rf /var/lib/kalite

then I rebooted the machine and launched virtual school from the icon on the desktop that is still there.

It seems to have worked, I’m now in the virtual school and just need to download the videos and such. Thanks for the help.

Glad to hear that. So it seems that somehow the initial installation failed and left the app in some kind of corrupted state, and wiping all its data and rebooting to give it a second chance to initialize itself worked.


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Not to throw this topic off too much, but KA-Lite recently had a major release to 0.17.0 – my Endless is on 0.16.5, I know it’s a bear to repackage, but any chance that’s on the list of things to do?

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Thanks @LeandroStanger, I guess I’m not totally following your suggestion though. Can I update ka lite through their terminal scripts?

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@worldpossible Updating the packaged version of KA Lite is planned but unfortunately I can’t really give you an estimation on when that would be available since rebasing our work on top of the new version will require to allocate some time to make sure that everything works as expected, and the truth is that I’m not certain at this point when exactly that will happen, as we’re pretty busy right now with the 3.2 release. But it’s definitely on the pipeline, I just can’t tell you when it will happen, sorry about that.

What I can tell you is that, while you’re free to install KA Lite manually from source code (debian packages won’t work) following the instructions from KA Lite’s documentation, that is completely unsupported by Endless as we use flatpak to package this “app”, and mixing flatpak with the manual method of installing KA Lite will probably won’t work.

@LeandroStanger A link to the release notes with no extra context is not really very useful, or at least I can’t see either how that would answer @worldpossible’s questions, nor what you meant. Could you please clarify? Thanks!

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Thanks @mario – this is helpful

Hey @kevin , a bit late but I would like to say that (unless something is really wrong) the only way I can think of that GNOME Software would show the launch button just to fail because the app is not installed is if you have uninstalled the app from a terminal when GNOME Software is running. Could this be the case perhaps?

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Adding on to the comment from @jrocha… The GNOME Software process typically continues to run even after closing the app center. So, there are some cases where changes made via the flatpak command line are not properly reflected in the app center until it is explicitly killed (e.g., killall gnome-software) or the computer is rebooted.


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