VLC player not loading

Just finished testing 3.5.6

  • Downloaded 3.5.6 via Torrent (eos-eos3.5-amd64-amd64.190212-145424.base.iso)
  • Installed in GNOME Boxes

After the installation finished and rebootet, i saw the Update once:

After installation and a reboot, the system is still at 3.5.6 and the update no longer show up as available. When doing a manual flatpak update --appstream -y i get the following output, which indicates some problem:

Updating appstream data for remote eos-apps
Updating appstream data for remote eos-runtimes
Error updating: Error updating appstream2: Commit 152606ed8975d1cb3009fe15ac4d125fa2d80e03b906f4c3d4319679c70c9995: GPG signatures found, but none are in trusted keyring; Error updating appstream: Commit 4444ec74ff3aa481b96866bfebac123b708bb7f893253466985dc9ada77f24e4: GPG signatures found, but none are in trusted keyring
Updating appstream data for remote eos-sdk
Updating appstream data for remote flathub

How did you update your 3.5.6? gnome-software or commandline (if commandline, which commands)

Result for 3.3.16

Downloaded 3.3.16 via Torrent, fresh install on VM. Updated all available Updates from App Center, no more updates available. Still at 3.3.16.

Tried also:

root@endless:~# flatpak update --appstream -y
Updating appstream for remote eos-apps
[####################] 3 metadata, 0 content objects fetched; 569 B transferred in 0 seconds
Updating appstream for remote eos-runtimes
Error updating: Commit 4444ec74ff3aa481b96866bfebac123b708bb7f893253466985dc9ada77f24e4: GPG signatures found, but none are in trusted keyring
Updating appstream for remote eos-sdk
[####################] 3 metadata, 0 content objects fetched; 569 B transferred in 0 seconds
Updating appstream for remote flathub
[####################] 1 delta parts, 1 loose fetched


root@endless:~# eos-updater-ctl update
Changed state to Polling
Changed state to Ready
======= Properties =======
State: Polling
 CurrentID: '9f280efd9133212df279653067875881ace96dde7e76fa75c94f1cff7a1316b3'
 DownloadSize: int64 0
 DownloadedBytes: int64 0
 ErrorCode: uint32 0
 ErrorMessage: ''
 ErrorName: ''
 FullDownloadSize: int64 0
 FullUnpackedSize: int64 0
 OriginalRefspec: ''
 UnpackedSize: int64 0
 UpdateID: ''
 UpdateLabel: ''
 UpdateMessage: ''
 UpdateRefspec: ''

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl", line 355, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl", line 351, in main
  File "/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl", line 186, in command_update
    fetch_result = command_fetch(block=True, quiet=quiet)
  File "/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl", line 173, in command_fetch
    return command_dbus('fetch', block, quiet)
  File "/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl", line 145, in command_dbus
    proxy.call_sync('com.endlessm.Updater.' + function_name, None, 0, -1, None)
GLib.Error: g-io-error-quark: GDBus.Error:com.endlessm.Updater.Error.WrongState: Can't call Fetch() while in state Ready (36)

This also generates the following log entry:

May 17 12:47:39 endless eos-updater[1573]: Changing to state Polling
May 17 12:47:39 endless eos-updater[1573]: Using product branch os/eos/amd64/eos3
May 17 12:47:40 endless eos-updater[1573]: libostree HTTP error from remote eos for <https://ostree.endlessm.com/ostree/eos-amd64/objects/70/83275ee04acaf9f19fc070df8132861acb8171d18e2587efbfc06bca7f5ef7.sizes2>: Server returned status 404: Not Found
May 17 12:47:41 endless eos-updater[1573]: Failed to poll metadata from source main: Commit 7083275ee04acaf9f19fc070df8132861acb8171d18e2587efbfc06bca7f5ef7: GPG signatures found, but none are in trusted keyring
May 17 12:47:41 endless eos-updater[1573]: Changing to state Ready