Weird name in terminal


I started my terminal and it shows some weird name like “user@LouiseMrsIPhone”. How come it is the way it is? And how I can change it?

Screenshot and diagnostics attached.

eos-diagnostic-211205_143445_UTC 0100.txt (631.8 КБ)

Hi sir

Thank you for posting this question

the User represent the username of the current session for example root or in your case " user "
and the LouisMrsIphone represent the hostname or Device Identification on network

If you wish to change the " user " name, you can do that by going to settings>users and change the name from there
as for the LouisMrsIphone you can change it by typing the next command:

sudo hostname (the name your prefer) ex

sudo hostname samfisher

Eventually you will get


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This is the hostname or “Device Name” which can be set and changed by going to Settings->About->Device Name.
Is it possible that you, or another user of your computer changed this?

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Thanks a lot to both of you :slight_smile: Problem is solved

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