Why not Arduino IDE V2?

Hi !

now that Endless OS 6 is released, i’m just wondering why Endless OS is still embedding Arduino IDE V1 (and not V2) since it has gone legacy on their official website.

Thank you for your answer and for your work on this great project !

Thanks for the feedback! As you say, we preinstall Arduino IDE while the currently-supported version is Arduino IDE v2. The main reason we do that is that we hadn’t noticed that there is a new version of the IDE, published as a separate application (on Flathub as well as the Arduino website).

Without having tested v2 of the IDE, one downside is that it is not available for the ARM devices we support, such as Raspberry Pi and PineBook Pro.

We’ll consider switching in a future release. But for now you can download v2 of the Arduino IDE from the app centre.

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