After the first line:
tee: /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/soft: No such file or directory
Is that critical?
wpa.txt (6.9 KB)
After the first line:
tee: /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/soft: No such file or directory
Is that critical?
wpa.txt (6.9 KB)
Yes, because thats the reason you can’t connect to the Network:
rfkill: initial event: idx=1 type=1 op=0 soft=1 hard=0
rfkill: WLAN soft blocked
nl80211: Could not yet enable interface 'wlxd03745df8068' due to rfkill
The following command will output the soft-blocked state of all wireless devices:
find /sys/class/rfkill -type l | while read line; do echo $line: $(cat ${line}/name)=$(cat ${line}/soft); done
Output should look something like:
/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0: hci0=0
/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill1: phy0=0
Please post your output.
/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill1: phy9=1
Please run:
find /sys/class/rfkill -type l | while read line; do echo 0 | sudo tee $line/soft; done
This will unblock all wireless devices at once. Then run the wpa_supplicant again and post the log:
sudo wpa_supplicant -cwireless.conf -Dnl80211,wext -iwlxd03745df8068 -dd 2>&1 | tee ~/wpa.txt
(Issue was because you already had plugged in the AVM WIFI USB which got rfkill number 0. After you plugged in the 2nd one, he became rfkill number 1 …)
wpa.txt (18.0 KB)
That looks good!
Can you please reboot your device, execute the Soft-Unblock and then try to connect to the Wireless Network using the Graphical User Interface. IMHO it should work! (Remove the connection before to make sure you start from fresh).
If it does work let me know for putting up a permanent solution to unblock the device at boot.
I had removed the connection.
echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/soft (was that the one?)
and connected again
But it doesn’t work yet.
Was this one:
find /sys/class/rfkill -type l | while read line; do echo 0 | sudo tee $line/soft; done
Still the same. Do you still see hope?
For a few seconds I got a connection with a checkmark. Then it was interrupted again.
Unfortunately, i’m slowly running out of ideas on how to proceed further … one last thing - can you try a live USB from Ubuntu 21.04 and check if any of the cards works there out-of-the-box?
Yes, I could try that.
Yes, it works with Ubuntu from the beginning. Before that, I tried again with the Endless live USB with the wifi-dongle from the beginning, but it didn’t work again. So, finally I will install Ubuntu. I am glad and sad at the same time…
In the Ubuntu-Live-System it was running. Then after installation, it failed again. I had to do an update of the driver from git.hub. There were error messages during this driver installation, but finally it’s working, and I don’t know why.
I don’t want to do this again. It seems the driver in EOS was also outdated.
Having gone through probably 30 dongles, these are the only ones I know to work reliably on Endless:
I think the other Panda ones also work but I can’t find my notes to confirm.
Just another thing to note, that sometimes even within the exact same model WiFi dongle (Archer T2U for instance) some would work and some wouldn’t. The manufacturers have no issue changing the chipset inside the Archer T2U or other model and not changing the model name.
Seriously, I went through probably 30 in a time of panic. Not a single store-bought USB worked from office depot/max or best buy. Nothing that says Linux compatible really works either from Amazon.
Just because a vendor states that his hardware is linux compatible, unfortunately doesn’t mean that it is in general. When there exists a single driver for this device somewhere, you can call it Linux-compatible.
For Windows, things are easier. Because it has a stable ABI (Application Binary Interface, called WDDM in Windows), drivers written for one version will work in all OS releases supporting this ABI. When a vendor writes a driver against WDDM 2.0 (released with Windows 10), the driver works with all versions, even the most recent ones.
In the Linux world there is noch such thing, you either have to build the driver (or a stub which interfaces the kernel) by yourself with some mechanism like DKMS to match your currently running kernel or if you are lucky the driver already made it into mainline Linux and is enabled by your Distribution vendor.
This is one of the flaws currently existant in EOS. The first method (DKMS) does not work here due to the architecture of the system, so you have to rely on pre-supplied driver modules which are shipped with the OS distribution itself.
When buying hardware, i highly recommend to first check if the hardware has good mainline linux kernel support and then when still in doubt asking here in the forum if anyone already had success in getting it to work. And even this does not work all the times, especially for Wireless Adaptors as there are too many edge cases which could produce issues.
A example: My main PC has a Intel AX200 wireless card which is greatly supported in Linux and works like a charm. Recenty i was forced to set up Windows dual boot on it to play Roblox with the Kids. When booting Windows first after a cold start, the card no longer works in Linux until i turn of the PC and then restart directly to EOS. Turned out that some power management function in the Windows driver designed for supporting Windows’ Fastboot technology set some internal registers in the Wireless card which the Linux driver (developed by Intel itself!) does not understand and renders the card unusable.
I could have left Endless-OS on the laptop, and my friend really liked the desktop, but didn’t want to be online by LAN cable. So I installed Ubuntu, and after manual installation of the driver I managed even to get two USB-sticks working. Even with one of it, it hast to be plugged out and in again after a reboot.
I am not an expert, but the issue was that the driver has to be combined/installed/fixed or anything with the kernel. Even in Ubuntu this doesn’t work out of the box, but finally I got through and after one week it’s still working.
Before that experience, I wasn’t aware that it could be so complicated to get this running.
Thanks for sharing the (rather bad) experience with USB WIFI Adaptors on Ubuntu here.
Eventually you can take a look at the probably soon released EOS 4 which features many enhancements including a newer Kernel which may come with upstream fixes for the drivers in question.
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