Just installed OS in a pendrive in basic config. The OS doesnt recognize my Wireless adapter. I’ve tried thru console to install as I did before in Ubuntu by using wireless-tools, but those commands are not available.
Somebody could help me figuring out how to sort this issue out?
alejok@endless:~$ modinfo cfg80211
filename: /lib/modules/4.4.0-28-generic/kernel/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko
alias: net-pf-16-proto-16-family-nl80211
description: wireless configuration support
license: GPL
author: Johannes Berg
srcversion: 25A45701AAA64DAC1E47D9D
intree: Y
vermagic: 4.4.0-28-generic SMP mod_unload modversions
parm: ieee80211_regdom:IEEE 802.11 regulatory domain code (charp)
parm: cfg80211_disable_40mhz_24ghz:Disable 40MHz support in the 2.4GHz band (bool)
alejok@endless:~$ iwconfig
bash: iwconfig: no se encontró la orden
alejok@endless:~$ iwlist
bash: iwlist: no se encontró la orden
alejok@endless:~$ apt-get install wireless-tools
E: No se pudo abrir el fichero de bloqueo «/var/lib/dpkg/lock» - open (2: No existe el fichero o el directorio)
E: No se pudo bloquear el directorio de administración (/var/lib/dpkg/), ¿está como superusuario?
Hi Alejandro, although they are present (because our system is derived from Debian) we don’t support using the dpkg/apt/etc tools as the system is actually managed / updated by ostree. Unfortunately I also think your Wifi card is just unsupported by Endless at the moment - we don’t have a system for installing modules that aren’t shipped along with the system. We’re looking at integrating some of the Broadcom drivers so that you won’t have this problem in future.
how can you think of releasing an OS without supporting the basic wifi drivers. No operating system can survive without having these basic drivers or an option to update it.
3yrs of research failed in first attempt of testing the OS.
There are three different drivers for Broadcom wireless cards, but as @ramcq said above we currently don’t integrate them all in Endless OS. You probably have a card we don’t support.
Ooops I didn’t see that any where mention that which WIFI driver you support. Or may be I should buy new laptop with WIFI driver which ENDLESS OS supports.
Anyway, something that would help us a lot to understand the problem would be this:
Open the application called ‘Terminal’
In this application run the command: eos-diagnostics
The above command will create a file with the information of your system (example: eos-diagnostic-160614_111731_UTC + 0100.txt); Send us this file so we can analyze and see a possible solution