Beta Release | Endless OS 3.9.2~beta1

The first beta release of Endless OS 3.9.2 is out. Please follow these instructions if you want to join the beta testing program; bear in mind that the chance of encountering bugs is higher than in a regular stable release. As always, please ensure your data is backed up!

Improvements and Changes

  • Previously, the Chromium browser was built into Endless OS. Now, Endless OS comes with Chromium from Flathub, so it can be updated separately to the OS, or uninstalled if you prefer a different browser.
    • Upgrading to 3.9.2 will automatically install the new version of Chromium and update your settings to use it, though you may need to log into your Google account again.
    • On first-login after upgrading your existing (if any) Chromium desktop shortcuts (accessible via chrome://apps) will be migrated automatically but to use the updated ones you will need to log out and log in again from your user session.
    • The new Chromium will fetch the Widevine plugin (required to play DRM content such as Netflix) on first launch and you may need to restart the browser before accessing services requiring it. The plugin installation can be verified via chrome://components.
  • Keyboard, mouse and touchpad settings are now preserved if the device is unplugged and plugged back in while the computer is running.
  • Most of the GNOME stack was updated to the latest version from GNOME 3.38, bringing new fixes and improvements.
  • Other general bug fixes and improvements.
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Please let us know if you find any issue with the beta, especially with the Chromium update/migration.

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