Brand new out of the box Endless mini 2gb/32gb EC-100. i can't update from os 3.0.4...can't install no apps

Hello everyone!

I am new to the community. I just ordered my endless mini EC-100 last friday and i had it delivered today. i pluged it and set wifi. i am able to access the internet but i can not update the device. i tried reading help pages and it seems that GPG keys are not trusted. Device has OS 3.0.4 and settings show that no updates are available.

How can i update this brand new device. following instructions i attach diagnostics fileeos-diagnostic-210621_223313_UTC-0600.txt (348,0 KB)ostree-admin-upgrade.log (448 Bytes)

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  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:
sudo ostree remote gpg-import -k eos-ostree-keyring.gpg eos
flatpak update --appstream && flatpak update -y
sudo ostree admin upgrade
eos-updater-ctl update
  1. Now try the operating system upgrade again and go to Endless OS 3.9.4

Thank you. I do really appreciate your time in answering my posting. i did as you suggested and OS updated up to 3.3.20 but it after that i says there was an error during update and i could not go any further.

i will attach log file again. thank you in advance

eos-diagnostic-210626_183049_UTC-0600.txt (347,9 KB)

  1. Open the application called ‘Terminal’
  2. In this application run the command:
eos-updater-ctl update


sudo ostree remote gpg-import -k eos-ostree-keyring.gpg eos-apps
sudo ostree remote gpg-import -k eos-ostree-keyring.gpg eos-sdk

then restart and try the upgrade again.

Thank you for your answer .

did try both commands .

first one output:

Imported 0 GPG keys to remote “eos-apps”

second command output

error: GPG: Remote “eos-sdk” not found

then running "eos-updater-ctl update " the output was:

gerson@endless:~$ eos-updater-ctl update
Changed state to Polling
Changed state to UpdateAvailable
======= Properties =======
State: Polling
CurrentID: ‘dcfb6c74046638750f370d12a327152055f3510e255b70a11a95cf5fc112104d’
DownloadSize: int64 0
DownloadedBytes: int64 0
ErrorCode: uint32 0
ErrorMessage: ‘’
ErrorName: ‘’
FullDownloadSize: int64 1410636774
FullUnpackedSize: int64 3084545833
OriginalRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/ec100/eos3’
UnpackedSize: int64 0
UpdateID: ‘ce67e3c0f714020b573f7524dcf7d4e1b6b72c829f766657729995992e01d091’
UpdateLabel: ‘210228-181345’
UpdateMessage: ‘Built with eos-ostree-builder Release_3.8.7’
UpdateRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/ec100/eos3a’

Changed state to Fetching
Changed state to Error
======= Properties =======
State: Fetching
CurrentID: ‘dcfb6c74046638750f370d12a327152055f3510e255b70a11a95cf5fc112104d’
DownloadSize: int64 0
DownloadedBytes: int64 0
ErrorCode: uint32 0
ErrorMessage: ‘’
ErrorName: ‘’
FullDownloadSize: int64 1410636774
FullUnpackedSize: int64 3084545833
OriginalRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/ec100/eos3’
UnpackedSize: int64 0
UpdateID: ‘ce67e3c0f714020b573f7524dcf7d4e1b6b72c829f766657729995992e01d091’
UpdateLabel: ‘210228-181345’
UpdateMessage: ‘Built with eos-ostree-builder Release_3.8.7’
UpdateRefspec: ‘eos:os/eos/ec100/eos3a’

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 355, in
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 351, in main
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 190, in command_update
apply_result = command_apply(block=True, quiet=quiet)
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 177, in command_apply
return command_dbus(‘apply’, block, quiet)
File “/usr/bin/eos-updater-ctl”, line 145, in command_dbus
proxy.call_sync(‘com.endlessm.Updater.’ + function_name, None, 0, -1, None)
GLib.Error: g-io-error-quark: GDBus.Error:com.endlessm.Updater.Error.WrongState: Can’t call Apply() while in state Error (36)

I also attach eos-diagnostics file.

I really appreciate the time you spend on giving me answers. thank you

eos-diagnostic-210628_221943_UTC-0600.txt (400 KB)

Strange because it is defined in your log – but, ah! it’s on the other partition. Try:

sudo ostree --repo /var/endless-extra/flatpak/repo remote gpg-import -k eos-ostree-keyring.gpg eos-apps
sudo ostree --repo /var/endless-extra/flatpak/repo remote gpg-import -k eos-ostree-keyring.gpg eos-sdk

thank you … i got up to 3.8.8… i had to change syntax a bit but it did work

Great news! Do you mind me asking where you got the Mini? We didn’t think anyone was still selling them. :slight_smile:

They are being sold thru Amazon mexico…they are being sold for 45USD…Are the minis still being supported? I plan on buying a second one…

We aren’t providing any official OS support nor publishing OS updates for Endless Mini any more, due to it reaching it’s platform end of life. But we’ll continue to do our best answering on these forums for issues/questions that are easy to address.

Apps will continue to get updates (via Flatpak/Flathub) even though the OS will not.

That price is below cost, I guess someone is clearing out some stock somewhere - these are not being sold by Endless.

cc @SerchMX

Thank you for the information. as a final question… i have not been able to update over os 3.8.8 what os version is last supported on EC100?(endless mini pc)

3.8.8 is the last supported release there, there is no available upgrade to 3.9 or beyond on that platform.

I’ve documented this issue and workaround here:

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Hola, tengo una EC 100 mini que compre hace poco, con el mismo problema de no poder actualizar a la version 3.8.8, venia con la 3.0.4 y solo llegue a actualizarla a 3.3.20 pero de ahi no paso con los comandos que he visto por este medio, no se nada de esto y necesito de su ayuda he visto como sacan el diagnostico y lo comparto, gracias por el tiempo y ojala puedan ayudarme…eos-diagnostic-210715_232345_UTC-0500.txt (411,1 KB)

hola buenas noches, tengo una EC 100 mini que acabo de comprar, la cual venia con una actualización de 3.0.4, y gracias a este foro y los comandos pude actualizarla a 3.3.20, no se nada del asunto y lo que logre solo fue aplicando lo que vi, se que esta mini pc puede aqctualizarse a 3.8.8 o mas pero cuando actualizo me sale la leyenda “hubo un error en la actualizacion” y no se que hacer, por favor pido de su ayuda…comparto el diagnostico y agradezco el tiempo de todos…eos-diagnostic-210715_232345_UTC-0500.txt (411,1 KB)

en tu archivo de diagnostico se ve que solo tienes 2 llaves para firmar aplicaciones arriba me ayudaron agregando unos comandos desde terminal para gregar las firmas faltantes. entra almensaje superior de ayuda y corre todos los comandos:(Brand new out of the box Endless mini 2gb/32gb EC-100. i can't update from os 3.0.4...can't install no apps)

es decir… todos estos:

wget -nv
wget -nv
sudo ostree remote gpg-import -k eos-ostree-keyring.gpg eos
sudo ostree remote gpg-import -k eos-ostree-keyring.gpg eos-runtimes
sudo ostree remote gpg-import -k eos-flatpak-keyring.gpg eos-apps
sudo ostree remote gpg-import -k eos-flatpak-keyring.gpg eos-sdk

ademas de estos:

sudo ostree remote --repo=/var/endless-extra/flatpak/repo gpg-import -k eos-ostree-keyring.gpg eos-runtimes
sudo ostree remote --repo=/var/endless-extra/flatpak/repo gpg-import -k eos-flatpak-keyring.gpg eos-apps
sudo ostree remote --repo=/var/endless-extra/flatpak/repo gpg-import -k eos-flatpak-keyring.gpg eos-sdk

y finalmente varias veces estos:

flatpak update --appstream && flatpak update -y
sudo ostree admin upgrade
eos-updater-ctl update

y hay que dejar varias horas a que se baje todo el ostree, ya que se bajan 3 gb o mas de librerias y actualizaciones

Amigo agradezco el tiempo que te tomaste para compartirme la informacion aunque despues de hacer todo aun no he podido actualizar; me he puesto en contacto a un correo de ayuda de endless y pues parece que me iran guiando, de todas formas agradezco tu atencion y tu tiempo!!!:+1::+1:

Te voy a comentar que ademas en mi desesperacion que no cargaban las llaves ejecute este comando no documentado:

sudo ostree remote gpg-import -k eos-ostree-keyring.gpg eos-sdk

ademas ejecute este que repara el repositorio:

rm -f eos-fix-ostree-repo
chmod +x eos-fix-ostree-repo
sudo ./eos-fix-ostree-repo && flatpak update -y

como viene documentado aca…

Gracias amigo, mira al escribir el primer comando que me compartes me sale esto: